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whaaaaaaaa? so what're you sayin'???
2004-11-12 - 3:02 p.m.

I can't stand the way some people say "cole slaw" like "cole slore". Damn that irks the hell outta me.

I finally finished one of my classes on monday. I was so worried about what I was going to make for my practical final that I totally forgot to study for the written final...
... so that kinda sucked, but it doesn't suck as bad as I think. I'll find out my grade this monday.

I'm supposed to be at a birthday party for F's nephew, but I ate too much fettucine for lunch and I feel totally sick-- like I'm totally going to puke kinda sick. bleh.

A friend of mine is making me take some shots of her to send to some modeling company. I'm "the only one she trusts" to take nude shots of her.
I should have her pay me, cuz I think she's thinking that her payment to me is letting me see her naked. Uh uh, no way. I want cash baby.
Like I've never seen a naked chick before or something...
... and what is that supposed to mean anyways?
I'm the only one she trusts? Like I'm not going to try and make a move on her or something?
Is she implying that I'm gay or something? huh? huh? so what're you trying to say???? :P
LOL I love pulling that kind of shit like I'm insulted that they don't think I'll try to make a move or something... it took her awhile to figure out that I was just joking.

How cool is it that they're going to be filming the movie version of "Rent" in the city? As long as they don't fuck it up...

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